What is a MyJersey?
myjersey /mī/ˈjərzē/ noun - A realistic, life sized, framed graphical representation of one's game jersey from their playing days. Not a real jersey.
The standard dimensions of a MyJersey, regardless of type, is 24 inches wide, by 36 inches tall. Our newly released MyJersey Squared is 24 inches wide by 24 inches tall. Through our rigorous prototype process, we found this to be the best size for any jersey to provide the most realism when hanging on your wall. We do not offer different sizes, as it would compromise the look of our product.
Our product is professionally and custom framed to match our specific sizing needs. We use a metal, black, satin frame with a thin profile on our Original MyJersey. It's constructed with a high quality metal hanging wire (see below) on the back. It's light, yet very solid and sturdy. It's built to last. Our newly released MyJersey Squared uses a thick, black grain wood frame. This gives our Squared product a dimensional look.

Back View of MyJersey Squared
The question everyone asks is "Does it REALLY look real?" Take a look at the details below to see for yourself:

*Actual Uniform (top)

MyJersey (top)

Actual Uniform (top)

MyJersey (top)
Starting in 2022, due to customer feedback, we altered our original design and went away from the "tag". In it's place, we created our Graphical Plaque that is located in the bottom center of the fame. The plaque displays the player name, graduation year, school and position.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our product. This includes the intricate details of our graphic design process, our high definition printing, the professional custom framing, and our highly protective packaging process. We are proud to be made completly in the USA. You will see this quality in every MyJersey.